Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Entry: Toilet-related injury

I was expecting this entry to be amusing on a Dave Barry level, and was somewhat disappointed. I am, however, enchanted with the accompanying photo, because of its accompanying caption:

And I can only hope that you, reader, are titillated by the fragments of the article I've included in the picture. "Splits?" "Pulling?" "Buttocks?" Oh my!


Dossy Shiobara said...

You've been forgetting to link to the actual Wikipedia entry, which makes it easier to share in the fun.

Regina said...

I've rectified the problem. (There's a pun in there somewhere, but I'm going to take the high road.)

Dossy Shiobara said...

Take the high road? If toilet humor gets you high, then perhaps this might interest you.

Regina said...

Oh yes, I read about that on Snopes... bleeccccchh.

Galadriel said...

Shouldn't Elvis be on that page?